Explore a journey from Samarkand to Mazar-i-Sharif, uncovering the hashish traditions of Central Asia. Discover the photo book and products celebrating this unique culture.
Catégorie : Cannabis Travel Experiences
Discover cannabis travel experiences, from the cannabis fields of Afghanistan to global destinations for enthusiasts. Explore personal stories, travel guides, and cultural insights, in this unique category for cannabis lovers, taking you on a journey through the intersection of travel and cannabis culture.
The Hidden Gems of Afghan Cannabis Culture: Off-the-Beaten-Path Destinations
Discover the hidden gems of Afghan cannabis culture, from Mazar-i-Sharif to Aybak. Explore the photo book and travel guides celebrating this unique heritage.
Exploring Mazar-i-Sharif with @baaba879: A Cannabis Traveler’s Journey Through Afghan Hash Culture
Feeling comfortable to start moving around with the perfect guide in Mazar.
Interview with CannamanTV
Throwback to last December’s interview.
Comprendre ce que je peux faire à Mazar
Rester ou bouger à travers le pays ?
Premier jour à Mazar
Premier jour à Mazar
Le sentiment d'être à un endroit spécial sur terre.
Comment préparer un voyage en Afghanistan ?
C'est probablement encore plus difficile aujourd'hui, mais voici comment j'ai fait en 2018.